Buy-in $50, Fee $15
(Notes: More importance given to the thought process / hand analysis rather than the “exact” suites and bets – obviously I don’t remember all the details accurately, playing a 5 hrs tourney sandwiched between many hours of ring game play. Flames welcome!)
Started with T5000, blinds starting at 25-50. 59 players, no rebuys/add-ons
Played tight early on. Hardly played anything in the first 2 levels – may have taken down 2 or 3 small pots. At 50/100 level, I was dealt 9
UTG, I picked up pocket Jacks. Blinds were 75-150. I bet out 500 (I had about 9000). All folded to a nice old lady in small blind, who went all-in for about 4,500. Before the tournament stared we were talking about different tourney structures and she had indicated a preference for tourneys with 5,000 starting chips instead of 10,000. I said 5,000 chips with 25-50 blinds is equivalent to 10,000 chips with 50-100. She said many players play loose with 10,000 thinking it is a lot of chips, even though mathematically they are the same. She said she plays tight and likes a tight table.
This conversation led me to believe the chances of her making a fancy play was really slim. (Trust me, I have seen people pull moves like this with any two). And I was thinking “why so much”? Was she raising for Value, Isolation or Protection. (I had eliminated the bluff raise all-in, especially with my table image thus far which I think was something like “Player plays hands appropriate for position, bets strong on a flop that helped or folded to a reasonable bet”). We were heads-up, so Isolation was ruled out. Value raise would have been something smaller, so that I would call. This was clearly Protection and she wanted to take the pot right there without contesting it. The way she played so far, I believed her to be tight, at least for the early stages of the tournament. I put her on AK, next slim possibility being AQ and the bust scenario for me was AA, KK or QQ, but I gave them only a small percentage. Knowing she is likely to have AK, I had to decide if I wanted to race. I figured I will, because I won’t be busted out, but I will lose half my stack, still left with a good enough size to make a come back. I said, “It is a race Ma’m”, looking at her and called. The other guys at the table are all excited now at the all-in, and an elimination prospect or putting the chip-leader back to the grind. One player thought I said “Raise” (and of course puzzled) and his buddy corrected him saying I said “Race”.
She in fact had A
All this took place in under may be 30 sec. Flop had a pair of Sevens, and a blank, turn blank and river was a Jack – not that I needed it, but I made a full boat. I had about 14,000 now and a nice chip lead. Few hands later we had the first break and I overheard guys discussing this hand, particularly the curse of the big slick. Everyone must have gone broke with AK more than once and my image was still intact. At least I did not hear anyone saying how could I make such a call.
During the break I was thinking if I should shift gears. I was just playing the cards and position so far, collecting pieces of information about anyone possible. I considered using my table image and the stack to pick up small pots and here and there. After the break, I think we started posting 25 Ante. The first hand I got Q-9o in late position. It was folded to me, and I min-raised, SB called and BB called. SB may have had some hand and I thought the BB called because of pot-odds and he was closing out the action. I bought the button so I was ready to fold to a good bet or make a steal attempt if checked around. Flop was Q,9,4. SB min-bet, BB called. With a straight draw on the board, I wanted to just take it down right there and bet the pot. Both folded, shaking their head in disgust. It was a nice pot. I was getting healthier.
We were down to 50 players from the initial 59. The average stack at this point was 6,000. I had about 20,000. Blinds were probably 200-400, with 50 Ante. Cost per round was 1100 now and I had close to 20 rounds of play.
Along the way, I was getting involved in a few speculative hands with position and releasing if nothing hit. Whenever I got a chance I kept announcing it was too early to get fancy. One such hand was when I had J8o, mid position. Folded to me and I limped in. There were two late position callers and the BB checked. Flop was Jack high, with straight and flush draws. BB checked, I bet about half the pot, late position raised and he other late position re-raised. BB folded. I figured they could both be on draws but I had a feeling they wanted to take this hand to the river and I thought it would be impossible for me to get them to fold. I was happy to lay down top pair, which I believed had already lost or could lose to at least one of them. I was glad I folded. The re-raiser had 2 pair on flop and made a full-house on the turn and busted the late position player, who was on a flush draw.
We were down to 3 tables now and I think I had around 45,000. At the 300/600-75 Ante and 500/1000-100 Ante levels, I was on a rush and I was getting hands like AQ, AJs, KK, KTs etc. There were many players with stacks ranging from 5000 to 15000. Cost per round was 1650 and 2500 respectively for the 2 levels. With the above legitimate hands I was raising the short stacks and they kept folding. I was picking up blinds after blinds and I am comfortably at 55,000 plus chips now. Any time someone with less than 10,000 was in the BB, I was putting them all-in if I was opening the pot and had anything half way decent. At this point I had become the table bully and the medium stacks were looking to me to do the dirty job – clean out the small stacks. Of course this was getting on everyone’s nerves. I was clearly showing down winning hands at the initial stages but the table knew I could not be getting so many good hands, but they were folding marginal hands, that they would have normally limped in with. Somewhere around this point I picked up Aces at big blind and a mid-pos player pushed all-in for about 25,000 with pocket Queens. Everyone else folded and of course I called. Aces held up and I added a nice chunk to my stack. (Incidentally, I folded pocket Queens pre-flop to a 3 times re-raise from a player whom I found text bookishly tight and predictable. He picked up my 3BB raise and the blinds for that hand. I could put him on Aces and he did show it. Early on I called an all-in with Jacks, but now I folded Queens to a 3 times re-raise. This is where I understood what “being in the zone” means!)
At the 500/1000 level, there was a memorable hand. I was in the BB with 4
I had a few other encounters with stacks much smaller, where I called their all-ins with bottom pair and made two pair on the river etc to take them down. With such a monster chip lead, it was a pleasure to make such donkey calls.
We are down to 2 tables now. I am swinging around 90,000 chips. Average stack is 15,000.
The really low stacks were gone at this point and except 3 of us at the table there were reasonable stacks. I am folding a lot of hands at this point and letting the others fight it out and let them consolidate. I am UTG with pocket 5s. I raise to 5000, hoping to pick up the blinds. UTG+1 goes all-in for about 25,000 and everyone folded. I am 4-1 dog to an over pair or a 60-40 favorite to 2 overcards (I think
I picked up Aces at late position. Early position pushes all-in with a mid pair for about 30,000. I called. Aces held up and pick up a nice pot. I am the chip-lead now. Few hands later, the earlier chip-lead and I limped in. Flop was Q high, he went all-in. I had Q T. I called. He showed Q-7. He caught a 7 on the river and doubled up. I am mid-stack now with about 70,000. Few hands later, I picked up Aces (again!) in early position. I limped in, hoping someone would raise. The player to my immediate left went all-in with pocket Tens. Everyone folded to me and of course I called and Aces held up again. I got Aces 3 times and they not only held up, I picked up huge pots. Got really lucky on that. Say that again – got really lucky on that.
Few hands later, I picked up K
We are down to 3 and the approximate chip counts were
1st 165,000
2nd 90,000 (me)
3rd 35,000
3rd Position player proposed a chop – suggested an equal split. Chip lead’s buddy came up with the calculation where 1st place would have been more than the announced prize ($1150, $650, $300 something). I said no deal. This irritated the 3rd position player (very nice gentleman). The next few hands he pushed all-in and I kept folding. We played a few small pots. Finally the chip-lead called the 3rd player’s all-in and eliminated him. (Don’t remember the specifics of the hand).
At the end of all this, I had 120,000 and the chip lead had 175,000. For the 2 of us, the purse was $1800. I offered $1000 to the chip lead and asked for $800. Deal was agreed upon and game over!
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